Tabakov Hunt - Лов в България и по света

Chamois Hunting

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    +359 899 720 545

    🇷🇴 Romania

    Other very interesting and natural hunt in Romania is hunting for Carpathian chamois – the population is one of the vigorous in the world. The world record is 141,1 CIC points and is shot in Fagaras Mountains.


    Hunting period

    Hunting season: 1 Sep.-15 Dec.
    Best time: 15 October – 10 November


    3*** hotel near the hunting area

    Shooting distance: 100-350 m

    Program : Hunting all days long

    Expectations : Chamois with trophies between 90 and 110 CIC . In rare cases are shot chamois with the trophies over 110 for males and 105 for females .

    Outstanding trophy : Over 105 CIC

    Largest one that was shot : 122 CIC ; Smallest one that was shot  : 82 CIC


    1. 3 hunting days with 4 days of full accommodation:
    • 4 nights in 3***hotel-single room, with three  meals a day and soft drinks.
    • 3 days complete hunting organization (Romanian hunting permits, trophy cleaning,   trophy evaluation and documentation)
    • car usage on the hunting location
    • individual hunting guide on territory (1: 1)
    • skinning&salting

    1100 Eu/hunter; Accompanion 550 Eu

         Extra day -300  Euro/hunter 

    The hunting package doesn’t includes the:

    *Transfer from airport to hotel and back

    *Shipping of the trophies :Can be taken at the end of the hunt after the payments are made Or can be sent by post in EU ( on the market price )

    Non hunting day -165 Eu/ day

    * Packing & export formalities(declarations etc).

    * Veterinary certificate(is issued by the public health autorities) -130 Eu

    *Alcoholic drinks, tips .

    Skin (80 Eu)

    Rifles : Blaser ,Mauser -50 Eu/day ; Ammo :market price




    Wounded chamois  1500

    Missed shot 75 Eu/1 shot

    Note : Will be shot only mature chamois . Are not shot kids .

    If there is a group of chamois we offer the possibility to chose what would you like to shoot . If there is only one chamois and is mature we consider that is the chamois .

    Photos from Hunting Tours

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